Friday, June 28, 2013

How to Get Rid of Acne Naturally (A Gentle Solution)

Acne can appear a very frustrating. The first pulse, that is those with acne outbreak is resort with any product or process that promises rapid removal including harsh chemicals and antibiotics. However, it is not in this way, as several ways to get rid of acne natural. Patience is important, and getting rid of most of the natural way acne require commitment.DietThe first step to get rid of acne is to watch what you eat. There is a high probability that you consume foods that are natural acne producing dairy products and fried foods junk. The foods that should specifically look for when they want to get rid of acne naturally are hydrogenated vegetable oils, dairy products, shortening, french fries, fried meat and trans fats like margarine.

Rub acneRub the acne that appears on your face or any other part of the body. Picking, rubbing, popping the acne lesions spreads the other unaffected areas where they cause inflammation. Again, the area of ​​the skin with sore popped acne and form sores, pus accumulate and take time to heal could. Although it may be necessary to remove serious injury if you get rid of your acne naturally want to avoid, as much as possible. 

XimianDaily wash your face gently using mild soap and essential oils like tea tree oil and lavender oil to the excess fat or oil, remove the generated through your face. The oils should be to absorb on the face for about ten minutes or so for them, the excess oil from the acne smeared. Pat dry the wet areas of acne. Vigorous washing may make it worse.Natural TreatmentsThere are a couple of herbal extract and natural treatments for the treatment of acneUse an herbal mixture of sorrel, cleavers, burdock and sarsaparilla same combination to get rid of the lymph and blood of acne naturally purifies.Use vitamin supplements such as vitamin and zinc. Vitamin A prevents the production of sebum, which causes acne skin, while vitamin B6 inhibits mid-cycle and premenstrual acne. Zinc supplements the effects of androgenic hormones and inflammation are likely to be caused by acne.Use oatmeal mask. Apply cooked oatmeal on the face. Let it dry until it makes your skin taut. Leave it for 30 minutes or so and then rinse it off. Oatmeal will absorb most of the oils in the skin pores, which makes it a cheap alternative to get rid of acne naturally at home.Apple cider vinegar is another acne remedy. Dilute apple cider vinegar in water in a ratio of 1 part vinegar to 4 parts water toe. Concentrated solution of apple cider vinegar will cause skin irritation and should be avoided. If getting rid of the acne natural ways do not work anymore, then seek the services of a professional dermatologist.