Monday, June 25, 2012

3 Ways to Get Rid of Blackheads

Blackheads refer to the tiny black spots. Mostly in the nose, around the mouth and on the forehead Blackheads are technically known as open comedones and when an overproduction of oil by the sudden disorder of the sebaceous glands. Oily skin is by default not a cause of blackheads, but if exposed to the pollution and dirt, an oily skin is a haven for bacteria. The oil and clog the pores of the skin when the pores are clogged then oil is applied to the air. It reacts in the air makes it dark in color. Well, that's how blackheads are formed. How to get rid of blackheads is simple and can be performed in the comfort of your home or with the help of a professional. To get rid of blackheads, is the main goal, to avoid excess oil and you can do so by following these steps:A. ExfoliateFacial peels are in the grocery store for your consumption. Wash your face with this scrub but be careful that you do not scratch your skin as it can cause irritation and other skin problems later. Peeling should be performed once or twice a week only as to the skin some time to recover. It is inevitable that the use of facial peels not only remove the dirt from the face, but it could also scratches on the outer layer of the skin, exfoliation should be done in moderation.Second SteamBoil water then let it simmer in low heat. Position exfoliated face on the direction of the steam for 4-5 minutes. This opens the pores and allow the blackheads come on their own. If you are not comfortable with steaming, you can opt to place warm compress on your face for 5-10 minutes. One obtains the same results as vapors, except that this takes longer.

Third MoistenNow that your face is clean and free of oil, moisturize, lest he be dry. Honey is good for the skin and has natural moisturizing properties. Apply honey on your face and leave it for 15-20 minutes, then wash your face with water only. You can also use commercial moisturizer on your face, but make sure those that are water-based vote.There are other options that you might consider, depending on the availability of time. Washing the face with water 2-3 times a day, once in the morning, noon and night, to prevent the oil from building up. Peeling strips and masks are also available to remove clogging of the skin. Treatments containing salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, alpha hydroxide and lactic acid can be bought from pharmacies without a prescription.