Monday, June 25, 2012

How can this yummy foods can prevent acne

There is a saying "you are what you eat", so logic tells you to eat unhealthy foods, you are likely to develop signs and symptoms of poor health. If you eat a healthy, balanced meal every day, you have a damn good chance of a healthy life. While this is by no means for all, there is some truth to this saying than what we choose to consume and live in our bodies have a direct reflection when it comes to our health. This is obvious when it. To diseases that will have a direct relationship to what we eat, An example would be diabetes, which are also caused by excessive consumption of sweet and sugary foods.This also applies to our skin. To make his task and function properly, our skin needs the right vitamins and nutrients, and of course we get the added from the food we eat. Following the above example, if a person consumes a lot of sugary, starchy foods, this will raise their blood sugar levels. The body reacts and leave plenty of insulin to compensate for the sugar in the blood. In the long term, the body will begin to compensate resistant to insulin, and the body becomes more and release more insulin. This can cause excessive amount of insulin in the body acne problems such as pimples.Therefore, if you prevent that want acne, you need to change your diet. While there are many different delicious foods that can aggravate acne problems, there are some delicious food is to give our skin all it takes to be able to prevent and even cure acne problems. Of course, you know that eating plenty of fruits and vegetables the way to go. Choose fish as a protein, can help because the oils of fish actually remove acne. Drink green tea as well because it helps cleanse the body of impurities and has a calming effect. The general idea is that you should. Least a well-balanced meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner This means that, all food groups present, still contains fruits and vegetables.

Once you change your diet, you can take a bunch of other things for your skin care. Remember not to stay under the sun for long periods at a time, as they may damage the skin and dry it out. Drink lots of water, about 8 glasses a day. You can also use natural cleaning soaps for your face as Kojic Acid whitening soap with papaya. This will naturally help your skin peel, even out your skin tone and keep your face clean.Eating healthy is not difficult. You can also indulge in your favorite food every now and then, as long as most of your meals are healthy, fresh dishes. If you want to avoid acne, it begins with everything that you eat.