Thursday, June 14, 2012

How nail biting does affect your social life?

You are in a big get-together of old friends. Everyone shakes hands and greet each other - but not you. You bite your nails and are too embarrassed that someone will notice and comment on the short, un-manicured nails. You start to wish you were anywhere but there. Why did you agree to go? Fear takes over and you're sitting behind a table, just so you do not have to shake someone's hand.This situation is for those who bite their fingernails. Nail biters are always trying to hide their hands on other people. When with family, friends or strangers, fear of the comments makes the biter embarrassed and ashamed. The fear that other comment, tease and talk about the bitten nails seriously impact a person's self-esteem and self-confidence.The hands are seen always in view for others. While reading a book, magazine, or flyer, it's hard to hide your fingernails. When writing or holding a glass, it is impossible to hide your hands. At work or at play, the hands are remarkable in view of your other extremely short nails.The nail-biting anxiety to go on a date or spending one-on-one time with another. He will keep his hands in his lap, so that the nails are not visible. He will put his hands in his pockets, if possible, to conceal his fingernails. As a last resort, he will leave behind or fold them together, so that others are not able to see the nails. While others with their hands expressing, he is anxious to do so.

When sitting in a classroom at school or university, the consequences could complete humiliation if anyone noticed the fingernails. In a presentation, there is no expression with your hands or on to emphasize something. It would be embarrassing, so that the stress and anxiety increases, making it impossible to focus on what needs to be said.The nail bitter he is alone is more than with other only way to reduce the fear and embarrassment he saw someone his bitten fingernails. Loneliness is preferred ridicule and shame. So, even if a lot of people overlook the social harm that may have the habit of biting one nail, it can seriously affect a person's well-being, relationships and emotions. It can affect a lot more common situations that most people would assume at first glance.