Friday, July 19, 2013

How Acne Light Therapy Work for You

Of the many treatments for severe acne light therapy is still relatively new to the field. Since the process is still young, its long-term effectiveness is not yet proven. Compared to laser treatments, but research seems to indicate that many acne victims who had undergone the treatment have not experienced the recurrence of this skin problem. 

There are various treatment options now available systems for the treatment of acne. The blue light therapy seems to be the most effective of the group and has less intense side effects. It kills the main culprit of the acne that causes the bacterium P. acnes. The use some other combination of light and chemicals, light and heat, and laser treatment. 

The blue light process has side effects, swelling in the affected area, skin pigmentation and dry skin include. The other treatments with lights have the same side effects, although some can cause skin darkening and inflammation of hair follicles. 

How Acne sufferers can benefit from Blue Light Therapy
Acne is an inflammation of the skin caused by the body's reaction to the presence of bacteria that feed on oil and dirt which are trapped in the pores of the skin. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, which kills bacteria therapy. 

If the infection is gone, dry the pores. However, how the process works exactly been studied by science. 

The good news is that this process does not expose the skin to ultraviolet (UV) rays. In addition, the side effects are mild in comparison to laser or chemical treatments. What is more encouraging is that this type of medication is convenient because it can be done at home, and are generally affordable for many. 

According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), the side effects are milder compared to treatments with laser or chemicals. There are no signs that the skin is damaged or scarred. Moreover, as per the Academy, some studies have suggested that this treatment method has shown mild to moderate suffer improvements to the skin of acne. 

The Blue Light Therapy Process
The most important feature of germ fighting Blue is the production of free radicals during the treatments. These free radicals kill P. acnes, the acne bacteria strain. In order to reduce the appearance of lesions or pustules, and nodules, the treatment may be accompanied with the use of creams. 

The treatment is distributed in a four-week period is usually in eight times. Each session consists of exposed patients with acne fifteen (15) minutes of blue light while sitting comfortably. This virtually painless procedure is usually done by a dermatologist (or a health professional), and the patient is able to work or return to his normal routine afterwards. The therapy does not lead to sunburn or skin cancer. 

There are now companies that sell blue light devices for home use. However, dermatologists advise, consult your doctor first before the treatment itself. 

There are certain types of acne respond well to this treatment. However, there are some serious types that require the addition of other therapeutic treatments. As usual, this would have a thorough evaluation by your dermatologist. 

You wonder what is light therapy and why you keep hearing great things about them? Wonder no more! 

There are many light therapy products for home use today treat everything from skin and sleep disorders, pain, and depression. You will find light therapy has a wide range of applications.