Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What are the best options for the treatment of acne caused by pregnancy?

During pregnancy, your body will go both internally and externally through so many dramatic changes. Some women find that their skin clear and blemish free, while they can go through their pregnancy and others feel like they are in the top puberty again. If you have more acne than usual, it may be to do with your hormone levels and the overproduction of oil in the skin. Natural remedies are a wiser option if you are looking for the best ways to treat acne caused by pregnancy. Below are some helpful tips on how to get pregnant through this difficult phase of being with acne. 

Acne treatment during pregnancy starts with the proper care of your skin. Try washing your face at least twice a day. Use a mild cleanser that is gentle on the skin and rinse off with lukewarm water. If your hair tends to be on the oily side, you should make it out of her face. So, make sure you wash your hair daily to get rid of any oily residue on your hair. Avoid popping, squeezing or picking at the spots to prevent infection and scarring. If you use makeup, look for oil-free cosmetics that are water based. You should also avoid resting your face in his palms. This will trap sweat and oils and can cause the acne to spread and become red and irritated. 

If you are a safe option to get rid of acne if you go looking through your pregnancy, home remedies are very effective in reducing your symptoms. Most of these items can be found in your pantry or fridge and can be just as good as over-the-counter products. Try mixing oatmeal or sugar along with water and apply as a scrub to exfoliate the dead skin cells. Aloe Vera, cucumber in tandem as anti-inflammatory agent to reduce the swelling and redness of the most patches. If you are looking for an anti-bacterial treatment, try it with yogurt and honey. Yogurt works gently cleanse the skin and honey acts as a natural moisturizer. 

Drugs that can be applied to the skin and the blood can not get to be safe to use during pregnancy. It is important to thoroughly read the labels and consult with a doctor to make sure that the acne medication you use, will not cause birth defects. 

Products such as retinoids, doxycycline, minocycline, and isotretinoin tetracclines could be harmful to the baby and should be avoided during pregnancy. 

There are so many natural remedies that are safe to use while you are pregnant and are perhaps the best option for treating your acne. If your acne is severe and you are having a difficult time clearing it up, consult your doctor about the best treatment plan. You can weigh all the positive aspects and research all risks in relation to the variety of treatment options on the market today to clear up acne in regard to your pregnancy. 

If you want to learn more about the best facial and body acne know-treatments on the market today, you read acne treatment reviews and learn how to get rid of acne, please visit our website "Acne Remedies and Treatments That Work"