Sunday, July 14, 2013

How To Stop Acne breakouts - deal with the underlying causes

Acne is a skin condition that is. From the production of excess oil in the skin by over-reaction of the sebaceous glands How acne really affects a person's social life and would self-esteem, many acne sufferers want to know how to stop acne. To stop acne effectively, you would have to understand the causes of acne. The following are the main causes of acne breakouts.

Hormones: androgens hormone plays a major role in the development of acne, as it promotes the production and deposition of oil on the face. Oily face traps dirt and dust, and this leads to plugged pores and acne. Acne by androgenic hormones can be stopped by the use of anti-androgens such as spironolactone for acne, cyproterone acetate and flutamide. These block the body's androgenic hormone receptors and slow down the production of oil and production of excess androgens.

Excess sebum (oil): When is excess sebum under the skin surface deposited in the hair follicles, it is mixed with the dead skin from the follicle lining. Acne is caused by excess sebum levels, can be stopped at least twice a day with anti-sebum medications such as salicylic acid or glycolic acid peel by cleansing the skin which help to gently exfoliate and eliminate clogged pores.

Stress: Stress and depression can promote the production of the hormone cortisol, such as the secretion of excess pore-clogging oil from the skin thus worsening the acne outbreak known causes. In this case can be treated through proper acne with stress management.

Make-up: One of the least recognized methods, blocked by the pores of the skin resulting from the daily application of make-up. Different types of make-ups, particularly heavy and oily make-ups that clog the pores of the skin within a short period after continuous application. It is strongly recommended that non-comedogenic kind of makeup, which is the best for the skin because it does not clog the pores of use.

Diets: Certain types of food promotes the development of acne especially if you are allergic to it. One eye is consumed on the food, the best solution to avoid acne. Alternatively, certain acne causing foods such as: excessive protein, sugar and sweeteners, dairy products and wheat should be avoided.

Abrasive cleaners: Abrasive cleaning of the skin can cause acne, therefore, develop, it is recommended to carefully clean the skin especially if acne already exists. Scratch the pimples or acne worsens the situation and possibly results in scarring. This and the use of harsh skin scrubber should be avoided.

Picking and squeezing acne: Picking, squeezing and popping the acne worsen the condition by scarring, skin infection and the development of more acne. Picking and squeezing of acne should be avoided.

Since acne is a complex problem that in order to stop acne permanently is composed of a number of underlying factors, the only effective way to deal with all the factors acne holistically.

If you are looking for an effective method that addresses all of the factors underlying holistic acne permanently stop, read this: Acne No More

You will discover everything you need to know how to cure your acne permanently and achieve the lasting clear skin you deserve! Click here to learn more: Acne No More