Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How do you get pimples? Learn more and act accordingly

You may often wonder how pimples. Well, that's one of the biggest problems of adolescents. But this can also affect adults. Almost everyone in this world, regardless of gender, can get to a certain point in their lives this skin condition. However, the source vary from one person to another. It is of not washing your face can be triggered every day, so people often recommend that you do not touch. Your face with dirty hands This might be partially true, but most of the convictions in relation to this condition are false and have no scientific basis. 

There are three general causes of the problem, the people who ask to be on how to satisfy keep pimples. Most of the people who have a severe case too much sebum or oil on their skin. The oil is from one of your glands that can be found all over the body. That's why these blemishes occur not only on the face but just as on the neck, back, and chest. The oil and other factors create a pimple. And if not treated, it may worsen through time. 

Common skin problem for Teens
It is not enough to get the pimples and keep your skin moisturized. For young people it is important that you know how you get pimples, understand the condition and state that lost self-confidence. This skin disease in teenagers is caused by hormonal changes when they reach puberty. The glands produce more oil on her face, making them more susceptible to the formation of the skin problem. 

Skin problem on adults and older people
As people grow older, this problem is less common. However, there are a large percentage of men and women who can get this condition in adulthood. This is especially true when it comes to women over 40 years old. A pimple outbreak for women in their 40s is again caused by hormonal changes in the body. For both genders, this condition can be out of hand when there is a bacterial outbreak, when there is a disruption in the body's immune system. 

There are a number of myths when it exactly to the cause of the problem and how to get pimples in certain circumstances. It is often recommended that you pay attention to what you eat in order to prevent the occurrence of the disease. However, a lot of people blame greasy foods and chocolate for the growth of this skin problem. Unfortunately, there is no scientific evidence that proves this point. The foods known to increase the production of pimples are the carbohydrate-rich foods include bagels, bread and potato chips. 

Treatment Options
For treatment to work, you must know the direct cause of why you are getting the condition. If the production is caused by oily skin, you can restore the oil production through the use of certain products. But one of the best treatments available, regardless of the cause, is benzoyl peroxide. This medicine gets rid of dead cells and bacteria on the skin. Now that you know how to get your acne, you may need to consider different treatment options that are best suited for you....