Sunday, July 14, 2013

Pimples: How To Get Rid of Pimples - Naturally and Permanently

We all know that pimples and acne can make us feel self-conscious and reduce our confidence. Even worse, if you know how you have all tried with little to show for it, feel it. 

Fortunately for you, I have the answer.
What you first need to understand is that acne is a result of something going on in your body. More specifically, acne is caused by hormonal imbalances and inflammation in the body. That is, to get rid of your pimples, you need to reduce your hormones and inflammation, you need to cure your acne from the inside out. Believe me, buying creams is not the answer. It is not only expensive, it is also ineffective because the cream covers only the symptoms. Once the cream, stop the pimples return - often in large numbers. 

So how do you reduce your hormones and inflammation (without creams or pills)?
Here are the most important factors:
Diet: sugar, hydrogenated fats and fats that are rich in omega-6 all pro-inflammatory and should be avoided if you want clear skin. Sit things like sodas, cakes, French fries, potato chips, and most vegetable oils (because of their high omega-6 content). If you would just eliminate sugar and unhealthy fats from your diet, you would be well on the way to eliminate your pimples. Eat as much raw and organic food as possible, such as: broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, blueberries. 

Stress: Prolonged stress can actually change your hormone levels and also increases inflammation in the body due to the increased levels of these stress hormones. Pause for a few minutes every now and then and just everything. Let everything go and relax as deeply as you can. 

Exercise: A healthy diet combined with exercise is the easiest way to reduce inflammation and optimize your stress hormone levels. The least you should do every day is to take a walk. However, I suggest you start to do something more, like jogging or lifting weights if you want to achieve even better results. 

Sleep: To detoxify your body time to repair itself and you need to enter sleep. About 7-8 hours of sleep every night is what most people need to detoxify their body and repair itself. 

Sunlight: UV light (part of the solar spectrum) actually kills most bacteria in the skin that cause the inflammation. Not only is the sun also needs to produce vitamin D (something that many people have a lack of)....