Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Hello everyone!

It can't only be me who is suddenly finds themselves in an amazing mood now that the sun is shining. I'm forced to question what the hell is going on. This is England. I can't even remember the last time we had a genuinely nice summer and although the suns appearance has come a tad too late, it doesn't seem to be disappearing anytime soon. All week I've gotten home from work and straight away thrown on my bikini, grabbed my iPod and a good book and headed into the garden to relax. It has been nothing short of heavenly.

Remember when I did a playlist back for Valentines Day? Well even though it didn't get a huge response, I enjoyed spreading my awesome music taste to you all and ever since I've been itching to get another playlist up. So welcome to my Summer Playlist 2013! I tried to make it shorter but there are just too many songs that belong on this list. I've also tried to include songs that are currently quite popular so that there's a real mix but..that idea didn't really work.

So I'd suggest downloading it all to your iPods/phones etc, grabbing some large sunglasses and just kicking back and relaxing with this music. Listen here on Spotify, or just click play below.

I don't know why these songs are 'summery'. They just give me that feeling, you know? That feeling of the hot sun on my skin or they help me imagine being on a beach somewhere with the sand between my toes. Basically, these songs just always remind me of summer, without fail. Drive By by Train was particularly popular last summer and I listened to it on repeat whilst in Egypt. I can't help but be reminded of relaxing by that pool, drifting in and out of naps, relaxing in the sun going or reading my book and only taking breaks for food or a refreshing swim in the cool water. Heaven!

Please note, I've put a lot of thought into this list and had to miss out including many songs that also remind me of summer simply because they belong better on a 'road trip' playlist, which may also be coming soon!

What songs are on your essential must listen to summer playlist? Are you a fan of any artists or songs I've featured? Let me know!