Friday, October 1, 2010

Preparing for Halloween!

So this post is mainly to test out this new app I bought on my iPhone called BlogPress but while I'm typing away I can show you some products I got recently from Charles Fox in preparation for Halloween :)

1. Liquid Latex

2. Special Effects Fake Blood (Dark)

3. Scar Wax

4. Spirit Gum

4. White Face Paint

I really can't wait to start filming Halloween tutorials for you! I have a few videos to get out of the way soon (Room Tour, Cher Lloyd Makeup Tutorial etc.) and then we can begin :D

I have been practicing a bit of special effects makeup on myself after buying these goodies, just to see if I can actually use them effectively in videos! My first attempt was a rather gory and bloody open wound on my hand...look away if you are keen on blood! Haha!

What do you think?! Not bad for a first attempt :S haha see you soon!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone