Saturday, November 26, 2011

Questions and answers plastic surgeon

How often is going to fix his appearance with the help of medicine. we ask ourselves many questions. They and we stop. Our questions are answered by a plastic surgeon.

Plastic surgery - a young industry that is currently booming due to the increasingly growing demand. Modern man realizes that he had the opportunity to improve the appearance of low cost blood through the development of surgical techniques and anesthesia, which practically reduced to zero the risk of various complications. In other words, people today with the help of plastic surgery can get what he is not granted by nature.

Who refers to this kind of specialist? Always whether plastic surgeons can help? Do they have the right to be wrong? How much is beauty? What we must remember deciding to undergo plastic surgery?
Since when can we speak of the emergence of plastic surgery?
Plastic surgery is developing long as man has always wanted to change his appearance. In the past twenty years, in connection with the development of technology, surgical equipment, improve the quality of anesthesia and drugs, the development of Cosmetology had a rapid jump in plastic surgery. This is a relatively young science, aimed at correcting external data rights.

Initially, a plastic correction was the lot of few, but now?

Plastic surgery is divided into two branches - Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Reconstructive surgery is aimed at correcting various deficiencies due to injuries, burns and birth defects. Cosmetic surgery is struggling with age, people with disabilities that are most often concerned only himself.

Who is most appeals to you - male or female?

Of course, the women - they no longer look after themselves. The interesting thing is that women do these operations for its own sake, and not to please someone. Men, by contrast, often go to the sacrificial operations for the woman he loved for the sake of a career, in order to please somebody.

What treatments are most popular among women, and what - in men?

Women of all popular Implants: breast plastic all over the world is in the first place. In second place was rhinoplasty, surgery related to changes in the face. Men often make facial surgery - rhinoplasty, face-lifting.

How do men feel, referring to a plastic surgeon? Is not there some kind of restraint? Or men are so modern, that do not hesitate to go for surgery?

The man who comes to surgery, it is seen not sleep with her one night. He is ready for it - there is no place for hesitation. It comes with a specific purpose, knows what he wants to change. On the men to work a little bit easier.

And the women?

If a woman put before the choice, because a lot of ways to change the appearance, it is lost, comes to a standstill.

And sometimes, that comes to the operation of steam, or the man leads the woman?

Sometimes, of course. Sometimes, the family did somebody operation, and a month later comes the spouse, and asked to change their appearance.

What are the "pros" and "against" the need to weigh up when deciding on plastic?

First of all, every plastic surgeon should be a good psychologist. We need to talk with the patient and find out what he wants to achieve. Sometimes there are people who have experienced some stress, and think that changing your appearance, correct personal life. To some extent this is true, but not always the problem is rooted in appearance. Therefore, we must be very careful, and at the stage of consultation need to differentiate these people put in front of them a specific task, because every surgical procedure has its limitations, and if we fail to meet the expectations of people, it will be unpleasant for both the patient and the surgeon .

And as the patient makes the decision whether to do surgery or not?

We must look at whether the same plastic surgery with the wishes of the person. Find a consensus between the patient's desires and the surgeon is very important. Of course there are people who need consultation psychiatrist - is rare, but such cases occur. And here, too, need to behave properly: a talk with the man gently, gently sort out their problem - it is sometimes possible to help even a word.

Are there cases in which a woman complains that she and the nose is wrong, and no such person, and you see - a beauty?

Of course, such incidents do happen. Now patients are educated and use the Internet, which has everything. A man comes well-read. On the one hand, such a person to talk more easily. However, the patient often comes and says, "Do blepharoplasty, my eyes fell," and I see that he stuck out his ears and nose with a hump. You begin to talk about his eyes, and gradually the conversation to other parts of the face. If a person is not obsessed with his problem, if he lives in harmony with this deficiency, perhaps, and not have to do it.

Let's move on to questions.

It is true that the effects of liposuction hips and buttocks may be worse than their original state? Cellulite is returned to the more serious manifestations.

Yes, it may be, but it is considered a complication, and a defect of the work performed. If liposuction is done correctly, the risk of complications is small. Much depends on the patient: Liposuction does not treat obesity, but simply removes the external defects and helps a person in its common struggle against excess weight. It is therefore desirable and it was a combination of liposuction, and fitness, and hardware cosmetology - it all helps to achieve the ideal result that will satisfy everyone. In addition, the diet is very important: one must see to it that eats. Half of the patients who come to us and say, "Why do I need a diet? Make liposuction, and do not worry." This is the wrong approach. In order to achieve the result which we need, it is necessary that all this was in the complex. Moreover, it is desirable that the diet was preceded by liposuction. Liposuction is designed to remove excess deposits of fat in the so-called traps, where deposits are not going away even after exercising and dieting.

After the procedure, within a month necessary to wear special compression underwear that helps the skin to shrink faster.

Is there a liposuction any restrictions?

All cosmetic surgery is better to do healthy people. Considered a relative contraindication diabetes, heart disease, any chronic disease in the acute stage. Cosmetic surgery - not an emergency, so you need to weigh the "pros" and "against" before agreeing to surgery.

Do you do any tests before surgery, or if the patient comes to you with the finished result?

Necessarily during the consultation is going to complete medical history, health status, rights, and, based on conversations, appointed the necessary tests. Is there a standard set of mandatory tests, and although they are optional. For example, breast reconstruction can not be done without consultation mammologist, because sometimes after an increase in breast cancer in the breast may show a tumor, which existed there prior to surgery.

I myself have long worked mammologists, so walk over to a professional inspection of a woman who wants to make breast augmentation. If there is a benign, I deal with them in plastic, spend therapeutic manipulation.

Tell us about rhinoplasty. Our users are interested in this procedure.

Rhinoplasty, or plastic nose - this is a very popular operation. Rhinoplasty can start with the girls 13-14 years old boys from the age of 16, after forming the skeleton. Age limit for this operation is not: if the person on the general condition is healthy, no problems with rhinoplasty is not, especially since this is an operation aimed at rejuvenation. Nose with age, as his face, starts to fall, increasing, and this is also an old man. Therefore, rhinoplasty greatly alter the face, but with the nose held no such big changes.

Is it possible correction of the nose in 35 years? Aquiline nose, broken in the age of five. Tell us how surgery is performed? Will the tracks after it? How long will last the postoperative period?

If the nose was broken and there is a crook, a man needs rinoseptoplastika. By age the patient is well suited. The operation can be both open and closed. When closed the operation incision is carried inside the nose, the scar after open rhinoplasty in six months it becomes virtually invisible. Rhinoplasty aims to change the bone and cartilage framework of the nose, skin envelope remains.

How long does it usually lasts the postoperative period?

Once we were talking about rhinoplasty, with it and begin. Three days after surgery in a person's nose will be turundy, you can only breathe through the mouth. Rhinoplasty is considered the most painless, pain after surgery almost none. After three days removed turundy, gypsum applied at least a week. Immediately after surgery, the nose is swollen, there is bruising, which take place over two to three weeks. Edema decreased much more slowly. For the first time after removal of plaster splints swelling may even intensify, and this should warn the patient. Two months later, 70-80% of the swelling goes away. The final result after rhinoplasty can be seen on average a year.

The same can be said of all transactions. After each operation, there is tissue swelling, bruising, but this is all temporary. Of course, a day or two after surgery, patients are told that if they knew in advance about this, would not go for surgery, but after a month of their opinion changes dramatically.

Tell us about the success of surgical treatment of alopecia.

A man comes to the consultation, where he made the necessary tests, instrumental, hormonal studies, established the cause of baldness. When detected the cause of alopecia, and established ways to fix it.

Perhaps conservative treatment: there are many drugs that are assigned to both local and inward, and this method can achieve a good result. If conservative treatment is not successful, then surgery is performed - transplantation of hair micrografts of the places where they are sufficient. There is another method of treatment established by expanders, tissue of the scalp where the hair is enough pererastyagivaetsya, and the bald part of the excised, that is, transferred the skin with the hair.

Blepharoplasty - it's the only way to tighten the eyelids? Is there a danger of loss or deterioration of vision in this operation?

Age zone is very complicated, and there are several ways of working. In the upper blepharoplasty excess skin is excised on the upper eyelid, the fat removed bags. On the lower eyelids have several ways of working. First, at the lower blepharoplasty is not deleted, and the redistribution of fat sacs canthoplasty is performed and excision of excess skin. In addition, more and more popular now becomes lipofilling when fat is extracted from any area of ​​human and small doses are entered under the lower eyelid. There is also the problem of reducing the height of the lower lid, it's part of the face of the ciliary edge of the lower eyelid to nasojugal sulcus. With age, height age increases, and the surgeon's task to reduce it, it is possible to achieve an average lifting, when performed under the ciliary margin a small incision, as in the lower blepharoplasty, and completely pulls the middle zone face, eyelid is shortened and raised fabrics, which fell due to aging the skin.

How can I get rid of old keloid scars?

This is a very serious problem. Keloids - a pathological reaction to any injury, which manifests itself in red, the increasingly painful scar. Favourite places for their appearance - an area of ​​the sternum, spine, where poorly developed subcutaneous fat layer. In addition, keloid scar can develop due to improper cut.

Treatment of keloid scars - surgical excision, which is sure to complement any silicon wafers, or radiation therapy in small doses, or the use of local hormonal creams.

How often do you have dissatisfied patients?

There are people who are unhappy in general vsem.nasha task to make people satisfied. So we try to meet people, find out exactly how and what to do to achieve the results that people expect. Before the operation, not a person pays close attention to the disturbing his body, as after surgery. He has sharply increased demands, and it is very important to have a photo before the operation. When the man shows, as was the case as it became, you can always find a compromise.

Of course, consultation live much better and more efficiently when you can touch fabrics, see the man from all angles. But the preliminary view can be folded in the photo.

That difficult - to lengthen or shorten the nose?

In general, the operations are conducted by a shortening of the nose. Lengthen the nose is very rare, mostly after operating errors when the nose is too cocked. Shorten the nose is technically simpler.

Is it possible to make a breast lift in the presence of mastitis? A small bust of the skin, prone to the formation of keloid scars. Is it possible to make a breast lift with minimal risk to the visual appearance?

Breast disease - a condition of the breast that occurs mainly due to age-related changes, there are almost all women. Term rather streamlined. Diagnosis is based on many factors: ultrasound, palpation, patient complaints. Tightening can be done: breast - it premalignancy, but not a disease, it is not a contraindication to surgery. But the breast may be different - a diffuse, that is evenly developed throughout the gland, but may be nodular form. Nodal shape - this is pre-cancerous condition that must be treated surgically. Before the surgery, conducted the study, and during these braces are removed from the binding sites by histological examination.

If there is a tendency to keloid scars, you should try to avoid any operations. But we need to identify keloid scars or hypertrophic this. With the reduction mammoplasty incisions are carried out on those lines that are likely to develop keloids is minimal and hypertrophic scars. Therefore, absolute contraindications to breast lift no. Need to talk with the patient to weigh the "pros" and "against" and, proceeding from this, warning people about the possible consequences, go for an operation.

"Is it possible to remake the nose after an unsuccessful surgery?".

Yes, it is possible, and this is also a popular operation, because the nose - this is a very complex organ. In such transactions there is some degree of unpredictability. Nose "make" using well-known techniques, but the postoperative period may be unpredictable. Any alteration of the nose - a complex operation, and each subsequent operation requires as little manipulation and change.

At what age can think of a circular face lift?

There's more depends not on age but on the evidence. If there is evidence for a circular face-lift, it can be done at any age. Facelifting, moreover, can be used as a preventative method, which only began a manifestation of age-related changes.

Can you see where some results of operations in the face?

Each patient will be my result: two identical individuals do not. No two people with the same tissue turgor, with the same skin, so to project the results of other operations on a few incorrectly. But the general principles, of course, exist.

I have small breasts after nursing it became soft. Can I return it firmness by means of the operation, without increasing the size?

It is about postlaktatsionnoy hypoplasia of the breast. You need to look at the man. If chest did not change its volume and shape, it is no ptosis, then the surgery can be abandoned. But if the chest is stretched and there is mammoptoz, either done breast lift, or lipofilling.

Do I have to turn to cosmetic surgery to remove lipomas, or you can remove them in a public hospital?

Lipoma - a benign tumor of soft tissue. Turn to cosmetic surgery is not necessary - they are removed in any hospital. But if a person wants to get a minimal scar, the better, so did a plastic surgeon.

After the birth I was left abdomen, it has been 18 years. I lose weight, and the stomach is not reduced. What will advise?

There are indications for abdominoplasty. This operation, which aims to remove excess skin and fat flap reconstruction and the aponeurosis of the abdominal wall.

Another question about rhinoplasty. What are the contraindications for it?

This acute respiratory infections, rhinitis.

I am 28 years old, climbed up on his feet a pair of veins. Where can I go to remove them? Do not return it back after removing it?

These issues are dealt with vascular surgery.

What are the most common misconceptions associated with plastic surgery?

The first misconception concerns replacement of mammary glands. Almost all women are asked whether the implant will not explode in an airplane. That's not true. Implant - a very dense, high-quality product, and it is very difficult to break.

In addition, we must remember that every surgery leaves a scar. The problem of the plastic surgeon to make it as inconspicuous as possible, but the trail always.