Sunday, October 9, 2011

Pictures From The Present ; Snapshots of how I've spent this week

Week of 3rd - 9th October 2011

Boo - the cutest dog in the world!
My Mum showed me this in the paper last Sunday, how adorable is this dog? It actually looks like a teddy bear, so, so cute! 

'Steaming Leafs'
 I came home from work the other day to find my mother, er, ironing leafs. Turns out she was actually just steaming these fake/flower petals or leafs or whatever to give them a nice shine. A nice tip for you cakemakers out there!

Knickerblocker Glory
Me and my friend took our other best friend out for dinner this week to celebrate her birthday and had a really great night. We hadn't seen her for ages so we had a laugh, it was great company, we stuffed our faces and they even had a magician to entertain us whilst waiting. I really enjoyed myself, its so nice to be able to afford to do stuff like that now that I'm working. I took a picture of this as our other friend in work doesn't know what a knickerblocker glory is and had never even heard of them, so this was proof that they existed.

The amazing onion ring stack
We tried to eat it all between us...we failed.

TOWIE in the bath
Thanks to my Dad's bright idea I put a pillow on the bathroom sink and balanced my laptop on top to watch The Only Way Is Essex in the bath this week. Probably not my best idea but it worked! 

Why I'm weird with food
Yes er this is the type of stuff I like to eat. It looks like sick but it's actually just pesto sauce and pasta!