Wednesday, December 7, 2011

2011 Conclusion Challenge - Day Four

Day 4: Something you've learned this year

This year I've learned that...nothing ever goes to plan! It's obviously good to have ambition but you should always be prepared for other stuff too. I've also learnt that if you're not happy then you should change what's making you unhappy. Even if you end up even more miserable, you know that at least you've taken that chance. In the long run, you might find out it was the right choice anyway. And if not? You can learn from your mistake, be glad you took a chance and try and fix it. If you're not happy and don't make a change, you'll always wonder 'What If'. 

Day 5: Describe an adventure you had this year.
Day 6:  Any words of wisdom/advice for anyone?
Day 7: 10 things you want to say 10 people.
Day 8: Things you hope for in 2012.
Day 9: What are you looking forward to in 2012?
Day 10: Anything you wish to say to end 2011/start 2012.