Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Merry Christmas!

This is just a quick post to wish all my readers and followers a merry Christmas. I won't be online much at all over the next week or two so I won't be posting. I already have some scheduled posts to go up in regards to the challenges and I might have time to pop on and do a couple of posts about what I got for Christmas and such but I really don't know.

I have my 22nd birthday on Friday! On Saturday its Christmas Eve and on Sunday it's the big day of course! Then I'll probably be too hungover/too full up to move again until New Years Eve which is when I'll be jetting off to Paris for a few days ;)

So I'd just like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year! Have fun, eat lots, party loads and try to remember what Christmas is really about! :)
