Friday, December 16, 2011

Meet The Bloggers: Ankita from

Ladies! Welcome to my yet another feature of "Meet the Bloggers"! Yes yes! tell me you guys were looking forward to it ;)
This week I am featuring another known face of Ankita from As we all know apart from being a full time IIT Powai (Mumbai) student, she is a part time beauty blogger... Come let's know more about her!

Full Name Please: Ankita Chaturvedi

Blog URL  

A Pretty or Hot Pic of yours with Make-up:
attached. I love wearing red lips and this glossy red lip look is one of my favorites from the recent looks I've done!
Ankita from
Since How Long Have You Been Blogging: Would be completing a year in Jan'12 first week!

Your Favorite Blog (Apart from your own): Quite a few actually - Karen's Makeup and Beauty blog, Christine's Temptalia , Mehak's Peaches and Blush, Rashmi's Indyabeauty

What does make-up mean to you:  Makeup to me is not just a way to enhance my looks but a lot of creativity and fun as well ! Makeup is like art - there is so much one can do with different colors and textures. I love experimenting especially when it comes to eye makeup. Apart from the fun part, makeup gives the option of giving oneself a different avatar everyday. Its a tool to give oneself the external look that one is feeling inside. If some day I'm feeling more fun and relaxed , I'd go for a mix of brights and neutrals. On the other hand, if I'm feeling crisp and business, I'd opt for a matte statement lip with a neutral eye. Makeup also gives a lot of confidence and adds a lot of fun to everyday life.

Lipstick girl or a Lip Gloss Girl: Lipstick though lately I've been leaning towards glosses. 

Kajal or Eye Liner: Eye liner!

Black Smoky eyes and Nude Lips or Nude eyes and Red Lips: Thats a toughie cos I love dramatic makeup - I could wear a smokey eye with a red lip! But if I have to choose , I would go with Nude eyes and Red lips. Red lips give an instant dash of sophistication and glamour to the look!

Pink Nail Polish or Black Nail Polish: Pink, preferably a deep raspberry pink!

Favorite brand of cosmetics for Lipsticks: Its difficult to pick just one. While I love MAC lipsticks, they aren't so budget friendly. Love Colorbar and Maybelline for the budget range while Inglot and Revlon would be my favorites from mid-range.

Favorite brand of cosmetics for Eye Shadows: MAC and Inglot!  I'm an eye makeup junkie and wear eye shadows everyday. I love trying out different eye makeup looks. Both MAC and Inglot give flexibility with their freedom system to pick up individual refill pans which makes it quite convenient for build one's own customized palettes! I also like NYX palettes and kits - perfect for traveling and quite easy on the pocket too. 

Favorite brand of cosmetics for Eye Liners: Colorbar and Faces make awesome liners for beauties on a budget. Also like MAC Gel liners and Chambor dazzle eye pencils. Among non-waterproof pencils, I love liners from Bourjois.

Favorite brand of cosmetics for Blushes: I own blushes from a mix of brands. My favorites ones are from MAC and Lakme. Also like Cream blushes from NYX and Inglot. 

Favorite brand of cosmetics for Foundations: MAC, Clinique and The Body Shop. Among these my favorite would be the Clinique Anti blemish solutions for its coverage and suitability for acne prone skin.