Friday, December 16, 2011

The 12 Days of Christmas Challenge - Day Ten

Day 10. (Dec 16th) An old Christmas photo of you.

This was the oldest photo I could find on my laptop/on Facebook. This is me and my sister on Christmas day 2007 - I'm on the right (obviously). I had just turned 18 at this point! This is my natural hair colour as well. The top I'm wearing I absolutely adored, my sister gave it to me for either my birthday or Christmas. In fact for months now I've been wondering what ever happened to it, assuming it's in the attic and seeing this photo has reminded me to ask my Mum. She has just informed me it's in her room as she nicked it from me. Lovely!

Day 09. (Dec 17th) A favorite Christmas tradition.
Day 08. (Dec 18th) Your Christmas wishlist. 
Day 07. (Dec 19th) Plans for the holiday. Just brief.
Day 06. Dec (20th) Describe Christmas in 5 words using adjectives, verb, etc.
Day 05. (Dec 21st) Give or receive? Explain.
Day 04. (Dec 22nd) A favourite Christmas movie.
Day 03. (Dec 23rd) Photograph your favorite Christmas decor in your tree.
Day 02. (Dec 24th) Draw a holiday greeting.
Day 01. (Dec 25th) A picture of you in holiday spirits.