Monday, January 9, 2012

5 most useful morning habits

5 most useful morning habits How difficultly to wake up in the winter! Light day became even shorter. We will add here a disadvantage of the sun, fresh air, a chronic sleep debt and shortage of vitamins. Whether so it is necessary to be surprised to what in the mornings we are similar to the zombie?

But there are simple and pleasant ways to make morning vigorous and to wake up with pleasure. As a rule, morning routes on apartment at us are invariable. Let's look that it is possible to make on "stoppings". It is a high time to be reserved by useful habits on each of them!
Awakening should be pleasant, therefore wake up not under an alarm clock crash, and under favourite music, and is better it make with a stock 15—20 minutes. While you in bed — dozing and hardly guided in space — it is properly sweet be pulled. Now we will help an organism to wake up. No, it is not necessary to jump up and be carried by gallop in a bathroom. Carefully pull itself for ear lobules of ears, then press palms to auricles and make rotary motions — five times on hour and as much counter-clockwise. Now serially press simultaneously on fingernails and small pillows of all ten fingers — here too set of the nervous terminations. This simple massage which can be spent, without opening eyes, simply magic an effect has. Now it is possible to cast away a blanket and vigorously to shake in air by feet and brushes of arms — approximately how on a picture.Yes there will be light!
Having got up, immediately turn on the light. As the sun behind a window it is not expected, ourselves should take care of that morning was bright. Don't spare in the winter on illumination, differently depressions not to avoid. Scientists have found out that the brain reacts to bright light full awakening. In some minutes you will feel that drowsiness was gone.

Certainly, it would be ideal to make charging, but we realists, and understand that everyone is capable of such feat far not. And still there is one secret: two exercises will help to wake up literally — it is possible to make an inspiration, to lift arms and with an exhalation to bend as it is possible more low. Or some times to be wrung out from a wall. A counter that the largest muscles are involved in these exercises. Their reductions activate a circulation and force our organism to cheer up.
In a bathroom
Before to get into a shower, be once again pulled. Now — to be gargled! And if an alternating douche not most favourite your procedure — it doesn't matter. "Put" on a palm in a rigid mitten and properly itself triturate. And here to rinse with cold water at least the person and feet it is necessary.

One more magic agent — a special prickly rug. On it it is necessary to rise bare feet and to be trampled down, while you brush teeth. Don't worry, anything, except pleasure and advantage it to you won't bring. Rugs-applicators of Ljapko or rugs Redox become an excellent choice — the last still name «electric vitamins». The effect from three-minute пританцовывания on such rug will surpass all expectations — you not only will wake up, but also be sanitated

On kitchen
Let's leave superuseful muesli and porridge on water till the spring. Let the breakfast will be tasty. If there is a possibility to squeeze out orange juice — perfectly. If it would be desirable some fried eggs with bacon or a cake slice on sweet — it is very good. Eat everything that it would be desirable, but only don't overeat. For a breakfast pick up to itself ware more brightly — orange, yellow, bright green, these colors please an eye and give good mood. The smell of fresh coffee with a cardamon, fresh tea with a lemon perfectly helps to wake up. If you the clear head also aren't lazy to cook porridge, add there bright orange dried apricots and amber raisin. And it is absolutely good, if you love a salmon. A sandwich with a salmon — a source of Omega-3 of fat acids which are an excellent natural antidepressant.

At a mirror
Seldom who from us is pleased in the mornings with our reflection in a mirror. However all is reparable. If you have woken up, and your person — still isn't present, try to put a day cream in the next way. Sit down so that it was convenient to elbows to lean against knees. Take cream enough, warm it in arms and put in the usual way on massage lines. And now force elbows to the knees and "drop" the person in a palm. Count slowly to 10. Now — eye hollows, again we consider to 10. Further — a forehead, then whisky. Each new position — new readout.

Then arrange palms behind auricles, in the field of lymphonoduses — and again count to 10. Repeat all complex three times. Don't shift and don't stretch a skin, and simply press on a palm gravity of a head. Variants of such self-massage there is a set. And effect — instant and very impressing.

It only seems that everything about what we have told, occupies a lot of time. But allow to object. If to concern itself it is careful and with love all is a matter of habit. And what can be better, than a habit to be healthy and beautiful?.