Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hair removal and waxing a bit of historical facts

The earliest reliable information about getting rid of unwanted hair from the body belong to the I century BC and was associated with the name of Cleopatra, though there is no doubt that this technique is much older ...
It is known that the Queen for the removal of vegetation on the legs to wax. Hieroglyphics preserved expression of Pharaoh, demanding of female slaves to be clean and smooth, ie hairless. And in Ancient Hellas beauty used for similar purposes bronze tweezers and a tincture of the root breonii, destroying the hair and makes the skin smooth.

Often, people confuse the conversation waxed - the destruction of hair follicles (follicles), electric current, laser action, etc. to get rid of unwanted hair forever, and depilation - Hair removal by any mechanical means. Waxing gives a temporary effect, but with prolonged use of hair growth slows down, some of the injured follicles die, and the interval between sessions increases.
Methods of hair removal Depilatory wax is suitable - waxing (warm, hot, cold), resin, depilatory cream, elektrodepilyator, razor, or tweezers. With prolonged use of any of these methods (except for shaving) hair growth slows down, the hairs become thinner and less noticeable. All these methods can be successfully applied in the home, but lack of results from 2-3 days (using a razor) up to 2 weeks (when using other methods). Keep in mind that if you use depilatory creams may display an allergic reaction.
There is a method of hair removal as sugaring (from the English. Sugar - sugar). They say it is one of the oldest methods of hair removal has come down to us from the Middle East. Sometimes also called shugaring Persian waxing. The essence of the method: removal of unwanted hair with a strong solution of sugar mixed with lemon juice (at least - with honey or wax). Sugaring is rather painful procedure and is not suitable for hair removal in the bikini area, the thighs, armpits, face and other areas of sensitive skin.
Methods of hair removal using wax or resin are collectively called "bio epilation."
Methods of hair removal light pulse: laser hair removal and epilation;
electrolysis: Thermolysis (short-wave diathermy, radio wave hair removal) and galvanic epilation (electrolysis).
The most efficient and therefore more popular are Laser Hair Removal and epilation, but not everyone can use them. These methods are contraindicated for people with acute and chronic skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, etc.), with varicose veins, cancer patients and pregnant women.
Not so long ago, a new, but has already become quite popular method of hair removal enzyme. Unlike laser hair removal and electrolysis enzyme less painful and more effective. Due to the influence of substances containing special enzymes that break down and their hair growth stops. The use of enzymatic hair removal is not recommended for people who have severe cardiovascular diseases and cancer, pregnancy, colds, acute inflammation and hemorrhage.