Saturday, January 14, 2012

Broccoli – the most useful "female" vegetable

Broccoli cabbage recognized as the most useful vegetable for women. According to researches of scientists from Michigan, this vegetable can protect a fine half of mankind from oncologic diseases.

The cabbage became really a find for scientists. On its basis the revolutionary medicine for a breast cancer can be developed. The substance containing in cabbage sulforan is capable to liquidate the infected cells, depriving of their possibility to share and without damaging thus the healthy. And modern methods of treatment of oncology, as it is known, don't allow to destroy cancer deckman cells for this reason even after passage of a course of chemotherapy not seldom there are relapses.

Experiments from a broccoli have shown that the regular use in nutrition of this green vegetable is capable to reduce considerably quantity of cancer cells in an organism of the woman.
But also earlier female mass-media didn't lose sight of wonderful cabbage, as it is extremely vitamin-rich (And, With, Е, В1, В2, РР), abounds with mineral substances (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, copper, magnesium, iodine, manganese, boron, chrome), Acidum folicum, Thiaminum, Riboflavinum. The cabbage is famous for that perfectly deduces slags from an organism, helps with struggle against a cellulitis, interferes with atherosclerosis development, improves heart work, strengthens hair, slows down process of aging and even salvages from a hang-over!

Accessible today to everyone broccoli cabbage can diversify considerably your ration, especially in a post or if you on a diet, perfectly being combined with fish, mushrooms, a potato and other vegetables.
Usually broccolis cook, but in this case it is very important not to digest it: the fresh cabbage cooks in a small amount of the added some salt water of 5-7 minutes, frozen – 10-12 after boiling. It is possible to eat a broccoli and in a crude kind, it is a part some many salads and vegetable allsorts.
From a broccoli stuffings for baked puddings and pies turn out вкуснейшие sauces to pasta, it often put in vegetable ragouts and soups. Especially tasty soups-mashed potatoes turn out: is gentle-green, fragrant and extremely salutary for "a whimsical" stomach. Here the idle time from them.
Easy cream soup from a broccoli
In a small amount of the added some salt water put some the potatoes cut by cubes and one bulb (cut) and cook 10 minutes after boiling. Then add 300 г a broccoli and finish vegetables to readiness. Further slightly cooled vegetable admixture it is possible пюрировать in a blender to homogeneous mass, but I do easier (in it and a short) – «прохожусь» on vegetables толкушкой for mashed potatoes then I add in an admixture necessary quantity of boiled water, I add the favourite spices and on slow fire I lead up soup to full readiness. To "weight" soup it is possible thanks to a broth, milk or sour cream (as refueling), but also a fast variant, believe, it is not less tasty! By the way, instead of a meat broth in meatless soups it is possible to add olive oil is not less valuable to health of the woman a product. To submit soup it is possible both hot, and cooled, having decorated with its green onions or parsley.
Light salad from a broccoliIn the added some salt water boil 300-500 г a broccoli and 1-2 carrots. Boiled carrots cut with rings (or потрите on a large grater), and a broccoli cut on a part in length 3 see To it add the salty thin slices salty or marinaded cucumber and a green onion. Salad fill with lemon juice and vegetable oil, having added to taste salt and the favourite seasonings for salad.

In general, variants of preparation of a broccoli – set! It not only a universal garnish, but also a remarkable independent dish. If you have to have a bite quickly – simply boil a broccoli and slightly roast it on vegetative or butter, having added salt and pepper to taste (it is possible to strew grated cheese). And if to you visitors please with their green omelette have unexpectedly appeared suddenly: shake up some eggs and fill in with them a broccoli (field mushrooms will be here too rather pertinent).
Pleasant to you of appetite and good luck!