Friday, January 20, 2012

Aphrodisiacs, or how to excite a desire?

Aphrodisiacs, or how to excite a desire?
Tablets, injections and other achievements of modern medicine can (albeit temporarily) restore potency.
But they almost did not add sexual desire. For these purposes, there are aphrodisiacs - herbs and certain foods, which is ascribed to bring this wonderful property desire.

The reason for this beneficial effect of many of these products lies in the variety of alkaloids, which are stimulant on the body. Indeed, it is proved that for a full libido to good nutrition. The diet should include women vitamins and folic acid, men need zinc and selenium.
Surely some of the following products will fall to your taste. That they should be included in the dinner menu before a date.
Chocolate. The ancient Aztecs drank chocolate before love games. Now it is known that theobromine contained in it, has the same stimulating effect as caffeine. In addition, chocolate helps release endorphins.
Champagne. This drink is the best suited for the beginning of light love story. The main thing - do not abuse the fizzy drink, so it never got to drunk or to the cluster gas with all its consequences.
Celery. In the Middle Ages it was believed that celery helps a woman to conceive a boy, and the juice of this plant are the most sluggish of men turned into heroes-lovers.
Chile, paprika and pepper usual. They are exciting for the whole organism. And plus to all these spices improve circulation in the pelvic organs.
Seafood. Since the days of Casanova's famous oysters, the secret of which, apparently, lies in the high content of zinc, phosphorus and iodine - minerals that stimulate the production of the main male sex hormone - testosterone. Also suitable caviar, shrimp, squid, etc.
Spices. Spicy food is generally considered particularly suitable for "warm up" before the night of love. But we should note especially the cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom and saffron - they maintain body tone and have a mass of useful properties.
Dill. There was a time when fennel was excluded from the menu in the monasteries - it was considered that it contributes to the emergence of immodest desires. A small bunch of dill each day will help maintain sexual vitality.
Ginger. For thousands of years, ginger is used as an "assistant men." He is credited with the ability to "maintain the vital organs" and "pave the way for the seed." Ginger causes vasodilation in the pelvic area. In fresh or canned form it is more effective than the dried. Eat ginger should be careful: it has a strong irritant.
Vanilla. Vanilla is associated with the innocent candy, yet it helps to combat asthenia due to its smell, the action on the senses. Many men say they do not like the smell of vanilla, but the phrase "sweet woman" not invented by accident. However, with vanilla also have to be careful - the smell can cause a severe headache ...
And finally: It is important not only to determine the menu, but do everything to the table was beautifully served. Well, candles and music can greatly enhance the action of natural aphrodisiacs.