Thursday, January 12, 2012

Correct posture. We develop together with me

Good to be erect locomotive!
Good to be pryamosidyaschey, erect, and pryamoiduschey pryamoderzhascheysya. Not a woman - the Queen!
And if a woman goes to the royal title by birth or marriage, the posture - much easier. Common in heavy physical labor.

Expand the shoulders, straighten your back, strengthen the muscles that help keep your spine straight throughout the day - that's what should make future queen erectus.

In so doing, it will help the following exercises:
1. The usual press and drawing the abdomen in a daily lift straight legs from a prone position as many times as you age, and be sure to keep the stomach permanently in the retracted position. The first exercise will form the muscular system, necessary for posture, the second - will shape the lower spine.
2. Chin drop to his chest, shoulders reduce towards each other. This exercise is done a every twenty to thirty minutes - first, because you unlearn retract his shoulders (all office workers it sucked), and secondly - to relieve tension of the cervical spine.
3. Straighten your back and arms make a circular motion, reminiscent of freestyle swimming. Thus developed the shoulder girdle, holding a flat neck.
4. Morning and evening posturing 'hands to the feet "for two minutes: legs must hold together, leans forward and clasps her hands ankles. Since the spine is stretched and retracted "habitual bending."
5. Twice a day, sit down in front of the mirror in profile: knees bent under him, dropped on the heels of the pelvis, back as evenly as possible.
6. Load the program into mobile Upright - this is a modern version of a cool lady, who hunched backs lupila on a long line of noble maidens. Program to the correct position of your body, and as soon as you stoop - immediately lets you know the sound nasty or harsh vibration.
7. Recorded on any dance or yoga: two years of intensive training - and bearing is formed in you forever.
And there, staring, and married the king will call. Or at least a prince.