Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Thrush and pregnancy

You are pregnant. Hormones are going wild and begin the intense activity in your body.
You're against? There is nothing you can do about it!
And yet, thrush is not asleep.
With the onset of pregnancy, hormonal changes a woman's body.
And "sweet couple" progesterone and estrogen begin to change the acid balance of the vagina. Such rejection of the acid side, excellent conditions and promotes proliferation of agent - family of fungi Candida.

Contributing to this decline and the natural resilience of immunity during pregnancy. A weakening of the protective properties of leukocytes in the blood during this period helps growth and reproduction of the pathogen.
Thrush in pregnancy - a phenomenon often, but not harmless.
Therefore be indifferent as to the ordinary laws of this state, it is impossible.

Yet this infection. And any infection is a potential danger.
Thrush can complicate the course of the pregnancy itself and increase the risk of infection of the fetus and newborn.
During pregnancy, the usual symptoms - itching of the vulva, cheesy vaginal discharge, pain during urination - may be absent.
Therefore, accurate diagnosis is possible only after a medical examination and laboratory studies, which include microscopic examination and bacterial culture.
The doctor takes a swab from the vagina, and then examines it under a microscope - in the presence of infection, the cells of the fungus are clearly visible.

Then make the crop using a special environment and the resulting number of germinated colonies.
Only after that, the doctor can make any conclusions.
If you still diagnosed "thrush" did not pass your side during pregnancy, you should consult with your obstetrician about the optimal choice of the method and means of treatment.
Because some medications used to treat yeast infections in the normal state, may be contraindicated for pregnant women because of their overall impact on the body and the fetus as well.
It is best suited for the treatment facilities that have a local impact: candles, creams, ointments.
In addition to medical treatment try to stick to a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, with the exception of the sharp, sour, salty, smoked products and limiting sweets and baked goods.