Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hair Removal at Home with Sugar Waxing {Reader Beauty Query}

Jahnavi asks in Reader Beauty Queries..
Question: How can we remove body hair naturally and effectively at home? Waxing leaves my skin reddish and causes an uneven growth. 

MABH answers..
Instead of chemical waxing, a natural homemade sugar waxing can be done at home with simple steps. If your skin is too sensitive and unbearable of waxing, you need to go for turmeric hair removal. This procedure doesn't removes hair instantly, but gradually weakens hair roots and removes it permanently with regular use. Mix turmeric with water to make a paste, apply this paste over the areas you want to remove fine hairs. Leave it overnight and wash off in the morning. If you need instant results naturally, homemade natural waxing is the only way. You can apply cold cream to calm down the skin and reduce redness, after waxing. Let me give you the instructions. Be very cautious and careful while performing this at home.

Homemade Hair Removal with Sugar Waxing
  1. Sugar - 2 cups
  2. Water - 1/4 cup
  3. Lemon Juice - 1/4 cup
  4. Corn Starch - 2 pinches
  5. Fabric cotton strips - required
  • Add the sugar, water, lemon juice and corn starch to a sauce pan and light the stove.
  • Simmer the stove and blend the mixture gently until the sugar melts and forms a thick brown mixture.
  • When it is totally melted, switch off the stove and allow the wax to cool a bit, not too much, the wax's heat should be bearable for you.
  • Now at bearable heat, apply the sugar wax on your clean and dry skin evenly and immediately press a fabric cotton strip over the wax, seeing the direction of your hair growth.
  • Leave on for few minutes until it's dry and pull of the strip fast, opposite to the hair growth direction. Wash with cold and clean water (to close pores) and apply rose water or any cold creams to calm down your skin. If the hairs are not completely removed, you can wax one or two times again until you get soft, hair free skin.
Hope this helped, be very careful and cautious while performing this homemade waxing procedure. Take care!