Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pros and Cons of Hair Removal

Hair removal - method of getting rid of the hair and, and the hair follicles.Unfortunately, there is no method that would guarantee complete freedom from unwanted hair for life. However, choosing the appropriate type and mode of procedure, it is possible to achieve good and lasting results.At present, the most common three types of procedures: electro-, photo-and laser hair removal. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.

Electrolysis Electrolysis is used much longer than other methods. The bottom line is that with a special brand of hair applied electrical charge. He comes to bulbs, and it is destroyed.
Pros With this method, you can remove the hair of any color and texture of the skin of any color.
Cons Current should be held in every hair, so the process takes a long time. If you want to handle, for example, upper lip, where not a lot of hair, the time it takes not too much. But for hair removal legs have patience: take a few sessions. Because of this, the new hairs will grow unevenly.
Current injures not only the hair follicle and, but also their surrounding skin. Therefore, during the procedure we have to use pain-relieving gels or creams. And then - to impose on the treated surface preparations that relieve irritation and soothe the skin. Moreover, for any damage to the integrity of the skin increases the risk of infection. It is therefore very important to ensure that the master used disposable needles and work gloves.
The method requires a highly qualified specialist who performs the procedure. After all, just need to get electrical "needle" in each strand.Laser hair removal Laser hair removal is well proven in the past few years. Technology is as follows: in area of ​​skin with hairs directed laser beam. The beam has special properties that allow it to "zero in" on target - melanin. This pigment is contained in dark hairs and provides them with. Melanin absorbs the energy of the laser beam that goes to the bulb and destroys it.
The actual procedure is as follows. You wear goggles, a physician prepares the skin for the procedure. Then, using a special attachment to the skin is directed laser beam. Impact comes with a few interruptions, so as not to overheat the skin.
Pros Procedure is virtually painless. The skin laser treatment is not damaged, so the risk of infection or scarring of practically excluded.
With the laser device can handle at a time larger surface, such as femur and tibia.Cons Since the main purpose of the laser - the pigment melanin, which requires good contrast of the skin and hair. After all, if the skin, hair and dark, the laser will affect all pigments immediately. Therefore ideal for laser hair removal - the dark hairs on very pale skin. The laser is not suited to those with lighter skin hair.
Photoepilation The method of hair removal is based on a combination of light and heat to the hair. The target of the light beam is a hair follicle itself - more precisely, its part of the sprout. Hair removal session looks like this: first you put on special goggles. The doctor treats the "goal" area with a special conductor gel, then it sends a pulse light to the skin. From the outside it looks like a bright flash.
Pros Procedure is virtually painless.
The method is suitable even for those who have skin and hair is not much contrast. Photoepilation can make a dark ladies with dark hair.
The method removes and vellus, and rigid hairs of any color.Cons Not suitable for those who have hair lighter than the skin. So, if you have dark skin and hair - blonde or gray, this method is you will not do.
When and how? Now try to figure out how best to organize the course of epilation in each case. It must be borne in mind that sometimes none of the types of hair removal can not give good results.
If you come to a procedure with a "fresh" tan. It is best to wait at least two weeks after the beach or tanning, and only then go for a session hair removal.
Also happens that hair growth is not due to peculiarities of the organism, and some endocrine disorders. For example, often disturbing abundant growth of coarse hair on the face, abdomen or in the sternum in females. Should be especially attentive to those who have hair on his body suddenly became thicker, darker, changed its structure. In this case, you must first consult with a gynecologist-endocrinologist. By the way, these professionals often refer their patients for hair removal. After all, with the usual medical treatment can stop the abnormal growth of hair follicles. And to destroy what is already there, you can only using hardware methods.
Another thing, if your unwanted hair - the result of national or individual characteristics, or heredity. In this case, a properly selected type of hair removal can help you get rid of them.Separately, it must be said about the cost of these procedures. The most accessible of these is electrolysis. Photo-and laser techniques require expensive equipment, so this price for a session can not be low.